Monday, July 27, 2015

Wildlife Trafficking, Cybersecurity & Turtle Sex

Hey folks! Happy Monday!

Last week saw the publication of two big new features, both of which I feel have already had a pretty big impact. I can't believe how many emails and tweets I got about them.

Here's the first, probably my longest article to date for TakePart, which managed to predict at least one thing that later came true:

Obama in Kenya: What the President Can Do This Weekend to Help End Poaching

And here's the second feature, my latest technology careers piece for IEEE-USA InSight:

Cybersecurity Professionals: The Government Wants You [Seriously, if you know any smart kids or young professionals, point 'em toward this career.]

Next up, my latest "Extinction Countdown" article for Scientific American, a follow-up to one of this year's most popular articles:

No Motherhood Yet for 100-Year-Old Turtle

Finally, here are two more wildlife-related news articles for TakePart:

Climate Change and Mosquitoes: A Deadly Combination for Hawaii's Rare Birds

Canine Cops Target Ivory Smugglers in Africa

That's it for this time around! Join me next Monday for more or follow me on Twitter for the latest links as they happen.

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