Monday, October 3, 2011

4 new articles: DMZ, rare tigers, weird fruits, and hair loss (plus a glimpse at the future)

This week brought four new articles and laid the groundwork for many more.

First up, my usual two Extinction Countdown posts for Scientific American:

South China Tiger Conservation Program Mourns Big Cat Lost in Tragic Fight

South Korea Seeks to Protect Endangered Species in Demilitarized Zone [this got a huge boost thanks to a link from iO9.]

There was also a brief interview with me about Extinction Countdown, which you can read here.

I also wrote two new posts for Mother Nature Network, both of which were fun to research:

Pawpaw: Rare fruit inspires passion and taste buds

Alopecia: Study reveals divorce, smoking and drinking can cause baldness in women

This coming week will bring 1) more of the above, 2) the return of Green Hands USA, 3) the possible publication of any of several pending features, 4) the launch of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, where I'm the contributing editor covering comics, and 5) who knows!

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