Monday, December 24, 2012

Otters, climate skeptics, Tanzanian toads and the five senses

It's the day before Christmas and my present to you is this long list of links to 10 new articles I wrote just for you!

First up, two really interesting stories for my Extinction Countdown blog over at +Scientific American.

Once Extinct in the Wild, Kihansi Spray Toad Returns to Tanzania (by Way of the Bronx and Toledo)

Logging Could Doom Tiny Australian Possum to Extinction, but One Zoo Offers Hope

Next, a whole bunch of articles for +Mother Nature, covering all kinds of environmental topics:

Getting back to nature inspires creativity, new study shows

Upcoming IPCC climate change report leaked by skeptics

A legal victory for sea otters: 'No-Otter Zone' finally lifted in California

IBM predicts computers that will smell, taste, see, hear and touch

Coal plant's carbon capture project passes first 100,000-ton milestone

EPA announces new rules limiting soot pollution

Is public transportation really greener than driving?

Obamadon: Ancient, extinct lizard named after President Obama

That's it for this time. I'll be back a week from now with the final list of articles for 2012.

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